Dinghy Launch Pass

Dinghy Launch Pass

Do you own a sailing dinghy?

Why not set sail on the glistening waters of Whiteadder Reservoir?

It's the ideal spot to brush up on your skills if you haven't been out on the water in a while. Plus, its inland location offers added safety. Even seasoned sailors will find it exhilarating, as the winds can really pick up!

Make the most of our concrete slipway for a hassle-free launch, ensuring a smooth start to your sailing adventure as well as our jetty for convenient well deserved breaks.

The Dinghy Launch Pass grants you access to our facilities, complete with the convenience of WIFI and access to a Defibrillator (AED) for emergencies, which is especially vital considering the absence of phone signal at the reservoir.

Furthermore, during operational hours, you'll have the opportunity to utilise our changing rooms and showers, adding an extra layer of comfort and convenience to your visit.

Please note, for safeguarding purposes, these facilities are only available when not in use by groups.

Make the most of your experience while supporting Whiteadder Watersports Trust commitment to provide access to watersports for the community and preserving the reservoir's natural splendour. We have few few choices of Dinghy Launch Passes to choose from.

Day Dinghy Launch Pass

Single Handed - £16.00                                Double Handed - £28.00

Season Dinghy Launch Pass

Single Handed - £45.00                                Double Handed - £80.00

2024 Year Dinghy Launch Pass

Single Handed - £70.00                                Double Handed - £01361 610160

Dinghy launch passes for 2025 will be available in February

Kindly note, this pass grants access to centre facilities only and does not include safety cover on the water. As per the Land Reform Bill 2001, individuals retain the right to access the water at their own risk. While we provide recommendations through signage, ultimate responsibility lies with each individual adventurer.

Please note that no power craft usage (except electric outboards) is permitted at Whiteadder Reservoir.

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