Fishery Rules

Fishery Rules

Whiteadder Reservoir is a Brown Trout only fishery and only fly-fishing is allowed. Bait must not be used  under any circumstances.

Please note the following points:

  • All anglers must be in possession of a valid permit. Please print yours off and present it on request.
  • Permits are not transferable. You cannot lend your permit to anyone.
  • Permits must be purchased before fishing commences. You can do this on line in advance or at the Centre (Wifi is available at the centre to do this as a mobile signal is not available around the reservoir)
  • All fishing is "fly fishing" only with traditional fly rod and line from bank or boat.
  • There are no restrictions on fly size or weight.
  • No live/dead bait or spinning is allowed. Ground bait is prohibited. Anglers in possession of this equipment will be deemed to be using them.
  • The bag limit is 6 fish per angler per session. The minimum takeable size is 10"/25cm.
  • Catch and release is encouraged.
  • Knotless nets only.
  • No littering or lighting of fires on reservoir grounds. If you see any, please pick it up and dispose of it in an appropriate bin. Discarded fishing line should be disposed of properly.
  • Ultrasonic or other similar fish finding equipment is prohibited.
  • Fouling of the water is prohibited. Whiteadder Reservoir is a drinking water supply. Please use the external toilet at the sailing centre.


  • Boats should not be used when wind speeds exceed force 4. Anglers should exercise discretion even in lower wind strengths.
  • Boat anglers must maintain a distance of at least 200 meters from the dam. Exercise caution in this area during westerly winds and avoid drifting close to the outlet tower.
  • Float tubes are prohibited.


  • All anglers must wear a personal flotation device when fishing from a boat.
  • Anglers are strongly advised to wear a personal flotation device when wading or fishing from steep or unstable banks.
  • All anglers are strongly advised to wear eye protection when fly fishing.
  • Consumption of alcohol on the reservoir or at Whiteadder Watersports is strictly prohibited.
  • Anglers are reminded that they are fishing in a remote location where there is no mobile phone reception (but there is Wi-Fi at Whiteadder Watersports). Exercise particular caution when fishing alone or nearing darkness.
  • Anglers use Whiteadder Reservoir at their own risk and are strongly advised to have personal accident insurance cover in place.

The Rivers Tweed and Eye Protection Order 1980

Whiteadder Reservoir operates under The Rivers Tweed and Eye Protection Order 1980, which mandates that fishing is only permissible with legal authorisation or written permission from an authorised party. Prior to commencing fishing, all anglers must obtain a valid permit. Fishing without a permit constitutes a violation and may result in prosecution by either Whiteadder Watersports Trust or the River Tweed Commission.

  • The Fishery Manager and representatives of Whiteadder Watersports have the authority to examine permits and to inspect fishing tackle and catches.
  • Anglers found to be in breach of these rules will have their permits and catches withdrawn and further action may be taken.
  • Please report observed breaches of the rules  by admin to Whiteadder Watersports at promptly for necessary action against the offender.
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